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The Down-to-Eearth Guide to Composting

The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting

Let’s explore the magic of composting without the technical, confusing, science-y jargon!

The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting breaks it down into plain and simple directions, so you can produce nutrient-rich, earth-y smelling, gorgeous dark humus to nourish your garden plants.
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  • If you’ve been frustrated by your attempts to compost...
  • If you've ever created a stinky, slimy mess with a cloud of gnats and flies overhead...
  • If your pile of leaves and sticks didn’t change in appearance even after MONTHS of waiting…
  • ...I can help you turn that mess into success in The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting!

The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting

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The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting

  • Learn the ins and outs of combining kitchen scraps, garden waste and other trash into rich soil for your garden for free!
  • Save money on soil amendments and fertilizers, and garden naturally!
  • Reduce greenhouse gasses, promote the health of our planet and live sustainably!

The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting

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Kathi Rodgers

After decades of gardening in many different areas of the USA, Kathi Rodgers has extensive experience with varying climates and soils and has learned how to garden effectively in spite of the challenges.

Once she learned how beneficial compost is to the garden and saw firsthand the difference it makes, she became dedicated to the art of letting things rot.

Kathi has gathered her insights and knowledge into The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting in order to make this fascinating hobby available to everyone so they too can garden for pleasure and for delicious, healthy vegetables.

Learning how to compost will boost your garden's productivity, enrich your soil, and save you money!


Things are getting so expensive, we'd rather make our own soil, and protect the environment in the process.

Gina S.


Perfect for my new composter! I was really unsure about what can be composted and what can't. This will really help me out! Thank you so much!

Sarah H.


Super helpful to get me going on my compost journey!

Caitlin D.


Great guide for beginner gardeners. Thanks Kathi! Many blessings.

Penny C.

The Down-to-Earth Guide to Composting

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